Filtering by Tag: Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim (2013)

 I've been a fan of the mech genre for years now - mostly thanks to anime and video games - to the extent that I've actually seen Robot Jox, and I don't want to think of how many Gundam  shows, so I at first really didn't want to review this one (I mean, if you are a fan of something it can be pretty hard to distance yourself from it and place a solid level-headed judgement upon it) on the grounds of that and the fact that it still doesn't exist in an own-able form. Literally the only way you could see it is in theaters, until it's run is out, and then you'd have to wait till DVD release day - an unknown time that could be a horrendous drag - but what it comes down to is that I was impressed by the reactions of others  who had seen the movie so much that I just couldn't resist.

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