Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
The next level
Many across the lands are celebrating as they get closer and closer to a return to normalcy after their routines were abruptly changed by a sudden pandemic. It’s a happy time for most - and yet here I am, trying to summon forth the ability to continue working via remote at my job to save money by rolling the dice - or rather plugging in the game. We were here once, it’s time to go back. Doesn’t matter if we end up the fat guy, the short guy, the karate gal or the one who smoulders - tonight drop-in co-op is back on the menu. Tonight, we’re player number one in Jumanji: The Next Level.
So whether you are fresh of the last one or not, this one tries to provide you with a little bit different while not straying too far from the path. I mean, obviously you can’t just entirely copy paste the last movie or it wouldn’t turn out that good - but if you stray too far from what made you the money in the first place it would be too risky right? So our plot is very similar to the last one at surface level. Group gets pulled into Jumanji the video game, has to complete a quest while hitting a few riddles and playing to their strengths and weakness and get out with the big W before their life pool runs out. It’s not exactly the same as last time though - this time we get a desert, and whose what character gets shuffled around a bit to provide some more fish out of water style comedy. And, lest I not do my job, there is of course the whole coming to terms with who you are, your relationship with someone, and mortality. I mean, you really didn’t think I wouldn’t mention such staples as that right? Right?
So what’s really new if the plot is only really different because of the little details? Well, the characters get to actually be pretty different here. sure, it’s the same in-game characters, but the fact there are different people behind them, and one of the old gang is actually in a different character then they were the first time provides plenty of moments to set up some comedic payoffs or the before mentioned morals and good-time thought experiments. This also means the actors get to do a bit of a different accent or cadence to their line deliveries, and although it’s still similar situations it’s enough to keep it from being boring. Of course, we also get a handful of new characters - two of which from the real world, and two of which being new model player characters in the game world, and of course the plethora of random NPCs with various level of import to the story (and mostly quite hammy fun in that bad sort of way acting moments).
You can cut the acting in the movie some slack, because most the time it’s “bad” acting it’s an intentional play at it - much like the last one, you get plenty of “I’ve run out of dialogue options, so I’m just going to repeat my speech tree again” moments and those are played to varying degrees of laughs. You also get the “old ex” character who is about as over the top stereotypical old flame who loves but doesn’t as you could possibly get without somehow getting hit by a copyright strike. It’s emphasizing fun in most moments, but on all accounts the actors are still doing a good job at throwing whatever role it is exactly what I imagined it was asked for them to do - even if that’s talking to camels.
So anyways, I started shooting.
The effects work can be a bit of a mixed bag - but sticking to the premise of “the visuals don’t have to be 100% real because it’s a crappy cartridge game possessed by the world-altering aether-beast that is Jumanji” will let most of the ones that aren’t impressive slide by. Does the ostrich look enough like an ostrich that you go “yeah, that’s an ostrich” - yes. Does it make you believe that it isn’t a computer ostrich? No. That philosophy carries out through the runtime of the movie - even if it’s a cool thing like a blimp with little jet engines, it won’t necessarily convince you of it’s existence - but it will keep you entertained and believable feels as though it could be in a game. Costumes also get an overhaul here, allowing for some change of pace towards the final snow level. The settings also get to feel quite different, as instead of massive amounts of jungle we are treated to desert, desert, and some mountain action. Of course, the real world stuff is all believable real world, down to the costumes - but in typical fashion for me it’s hard to say a costume that looks like everyday outfits stands out as a costume despite it doing it’s job to a T.
Comedy is always subjective. I got some chuckles in here and a good jaunt of levity - which who knows, maybe it’s just what I need to help soften the blow of not successfully summoning another perfect excuse to not have to leave my house more than twice a week. Some of the jokes are actually nice long-builds that I didn’t even think about coming around in the end, others are spur of the moment horn-dog style jokes from the old men. You get the fish-out-of-water jokes from the body swapping and disappointments, playing upon the same notes as the last movie. It’s not going to knock it out of the park for every viewer, but there’s probably enough range in the physical comedy, line deliveries, timing, and goofiness for most to find something to at least chuckle about without needing to worry too much about having access to more pants for wetting accidents.
Sound design remains well done here. You hear every line, the in-game characters retain the cadence and feel of the real-world actor’s speech patterns, whilst still sounding the voices of the in-game actors delivering them. The music does it’s job of reminding you that the drums of Jumanji will bring forth your doom as though Doom himself was trumpeting off in the corner some sick beats. The rest is just some really good mood enhancers for the scene. I mean, I really can’t complain here, it all sounds just fine. If the worst I can really say is that nothing stood out specifically, I’ll take that as a job well done any day. Line deliveries are quite well done as well, for the plethora of reasons I’ve already mentioned across this already.
The gang is back in town with some personality adjustments.
So you want a nice and easy movie for the night? Did you like the last Jumanji? Are you okay with a little bit of the same having some spice in it to mix it up just a little bit? You looking for something to laugh at without wetting yourself? This might just be the movie for you. I could argue you don’t need it’s predecessor to understand what’s going on - and that is somewhat true, but it certainly would benefit to have seen it given the reuse of characters and the referencing the characters do to the previous one.