Death Sentence (2007)
A movie based on a novel that seems very similar to another movie that was far more low budget. Revenge movies have been a thing for a long time, and most the time I don't feel that it get's as convoluted as what I just said - usually it's pretty straight forward. The entire premise of a revenge movie is to just feed off a base emotion that we all have and can all get behind when it comes to fantasy offerings (such as movies) even if we wouldn't act upon such things in real life. Some of these things can be a little too much for the average viewer - for example I Spit on your Grave - but the more base ones leave nothing but some violence and potential language to stir the emotional uprisings. Tonight, we see if Death Sentence is a nice shiny polish on a story we've all seen before, or if it should have taken it's own title as advice.
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