Tomb Raider (2018)
Never played most of the Tomb Raider games, if I’m going to be honest. I know of them, know a bunch about the character - enough that it always annoyed me when people complained about this fem-powered imaginary person being nothing more than a sex object - and even watched the older movies from it. Yeah, you know, the ones with Jolie in them? Man, did she look the part and get that nice level of sass - and for a person like me who enjoys cheesy flicks, I was more then entertained. Then came the reboot years, and I kept telling myself “you should buy that game when it goes on sale” - newsflash, I still haven’t. I did, however, get around ot watching the movie. Tonight, you find out that it was exactly this long until I realized there was an arrow in the title, let’s talk Tomb Raider.
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