Filtering by Category: action

Vampire Hunter D (1985)

present to you, ladies and gentlemen, on the pedestal of my past the movie that got me into something called anime. Beyond that, it introduced me to a new world that even to this day is an exciting twist on the rather dull and expected Vampire genre that feels as though it just carries on through a checklist of things it has to have. It got me back into reading after I had stopped for a while as well, after I found out that the novels from which this was based on were getting an english translation and release, and I got deep enough into it that I own not only those novels, a few of the manga renditions of them, and the two movies (the second will come later, don't you worry), but also a rather mediocre game that came on in the vein of Resident Evil. This, you stunning people, is Vampire Hunter D, and I am quite excited to share my thoughts on my gateway into so many things.

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The Heat (2013)

Ever wonder what a buddy cop movie would be like if you replaced the buddy cops with female buddy cops? It's about as ridiculous as one would imagine, although with generally less levels of action and over-the-top explosions. Can the uptight FBI agent overcome her better-than-thou attitude and work together with the rough around the edges and relatively hostile boston beat cop?

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MazinKaiser SKL (2011)

Nevermind the fact that you can find Kaiser spelled with a S or Z depending on where you come from. Never mind that Netflix only had the subtitled version as opposed to the one with the English VA's I've read exists. Forget everything you know about Mazinkaiser, if you knew anything at all. This movie brings the metal back into the giant robot anime.

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Elysium (2013)

When I first saw the trailers, I thought to myself "this ought to be a fun movie, but I don't think I want to pay 10 dollars to see it in theaters." Now, being out on DvD, it finally made it's way to my home for me to check out and possibly enjoy. It's one of those movies where at first glance, you can't really find anything you don't particularly like about it yet you still feel like somehow this movie might be a let down. I'll tell you right now, I might not have wanted to spend 10 bucks at the theater to see it, but between exoskeleton fun and some classic sci-fi staples present me might have a word to say with past me.

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The Last Starfighter (1984)

Childhood dreams were quite the focus back in the 80's, which led to a lot of movies that a lot of people can relate to. Of course, when I say relate to, I don't think a lot of us ever had the events of the movies happen to us, but who hasn't gotten slightly restless and wanted to journey the world or fantasized about being famous or important? It's a wonderful little starting point to get us involved in the fun entertainment about to unfold, even when the experiences are out of this world. Starfighter tells you mostly everything you need to know in the title, so with luck you've already decide that that much sounds at least interesting enough to read this.

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Critters (1986)

 I remember seeing this as a kid, and that I thought it was pretty scary at the time. Now rather grown up, I return to my childhood to see just what I was thinking - and let me tell you what, it's a lot more humorous than I recall. Heck, I can even feel for the ever-hungry little balls of fur, being a guy who's constantly on the look for some lunch myself - of course, I don't eat the entire cow in one sitting.

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Oblivion (2013)

So, it comes to me via recommendation, and it comes from me as an interesting movie that I can't elaborate on too much. You see, there's quite a few twists in the plot of this movie, so that means I'll either need to spoiler block things for your safety, or just skip over it entirely. Granted, it's certainly a good flick, so I can't just write it off altogether, and everyone likes a challenge right?

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Star Wars Original Trilogy (1977 - 1983)

The legendary text scroll that set the world ablaze, the musical score that folks would recognize long into the future, and the series of movies that fans would come to love so devotedly that the director's cut would become shunned and spark controversy. That's right, it's time for some Star Wars  reviews. Sure, sure, everyone has most likely seen them that actively wants to see them, and in turn already has an opinion on them, but all this site is is my opinion anyways, and sometimes I get it in my head that you guys want to know what I think of a well known movie so you can get a better feel for how accurate my opinions are to yours. 

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Tai Chi Hero (2012)

Tai Chi Zero  was something that I stumbled upon thanks to the Netflix recommendation systems a year or two ago, and I was immediately a fan of the Kung Fu Hustle-esque goofy nature mixed with some impressive martial arts. Hero  is the sequel to Zero , and if you don't for whatever reason want to watch the first, but want to fill in some of the blanks the trailer for Hero  should provide you with all the main details that you need to know. 

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Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003)

 Long before monsters invaded our world from the deep pacific, back further in our past then found footage of a strange giant creature attacking New York, there was one creature that struck fear into the hearts of man on a gigantic scale: Godzilla. The titled King of Monsters, Godzilla graced the world with the idea of giant monsters, and made such an impact it's even referenced in a song by the Blue Oyster Cult. Godzilla is also probably the single reason why I love the man-in-a-suit monster genre as much as I do. This particular entry, admittedly, is a bit in the "Millennium Branch" of Godzilla, but although the long-running series of movies has an over-arching plot between them, each can be thoroughly enjoyed as a stand alone title.

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Equilibrium (2002)

Imagine if you will a world without feeling, where anything that might cause feelings are banned and the very act of feeling is a crime punishable by death. This is a world brought to life in Equilibrium, a film that many who have seen it consider a bit similar to Fahrenheit 451 if in nothing else but concept. I've found it to be an often unknown movie, something that somehow - despite being an amazing movie - has slipped quietly under the radar of the masses for no logical reason whatsoever. Well, at the very least, I can do my part to remedy that right now.

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Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007)

Sometimes, watching a lot of movies like I tend to do, you stumble across some pretty off the wall movies. Imagine me, scrolling through all these different titles, when I come across something named Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, and see the name Rober Englund attached. Yeah, my interest was piqued. What appeared to be classic suit-based monsters, a hero who's just bursting with rage, and the Nightmare on Elm? Oh yeah, I jumped right in!

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