Yep, this seems like its something familiar, doesn't it? Taking an old fairy tale and twisting it into something more than what it was has been a bit of a trend in 2013 I'd say - what with movies and television both doing it. In this case, the spin happens to be an action movie very similar to Van Helsing straight down to the interesting gadgets and weaponry of the duo. Sure, the cover isn't unpleasant on the eyes, but can the movie prove itself magical or does it burn at the stake?
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I'm not going to lie, the main reason I wanted to watch this movie was due to it's connection to Dragon Age. You see, I've been playing myself quite a bit of Dragon Age: Origins (about 80 game-hours worth), and enjoying the return to classic Dungeons and Dragons style fantasy - complete with monsters and wizards and full plate. This movie is more tied to DA 2 from what I'm told (which I haven't played or know much about), but thankfully for all of you suffering through this paragraph, you don't need to know much at all about the games to enjoy this movie - it tells you the specific tidbits you need right at the start. So grab your steel and prep that fireball, lets get this show on the road!
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Have you ever hated buildings so much you wish they would just get smashed into a million peices? Do you like shaky cameras? Do you like Superman? If you answered yes to at least one of these, then you might find yourself enjoy this movie. Granted...if you said yes to the last, then you might find yourself having a bit of a conflict of interests, although depending on how "hardcore" you are you may find yourself enjoying it anyways. Enough though, let's get into this thing eh?
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Nevermind the fact that you can find Kaiser spelled with a S or Z depending on where you come from. Never mind that Netflix only had the subtitled version as opposed to the one with the English VA's I've read exists. Forget everything you know about Mazinkaiser, if you knew anything at all. This movie brings the metal back into the giant robot anime.
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I admittedly am not a huge fan of most of Will Ferrell's movies - stupid comedy such as Anchorman or Elf just don't tend to be my cup of tea. Yeah, I love hearing those types of movies quoted, such as lines from Superbad or Super Troopers , but the movies themselves I just don't find myself enjoying watching as much as some. As such, there was a little trepidation when this movie was requested for me to watch up and review, as I did notice Farrell's name attached - to which I was told it wasn't like those other movies. It's true, this isn't like those other movies, and I feel it might just be a good example of why you shouldn't go to (or avoid) a movie simply because of one actor.
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The legendary text scroll that set the world ablaze, the musical score that folks would recognize long into the future, and the series of movies that fans would come to love so devotedly that the director's cut would become shunned and spark controversy. That's right, it's time for some Star Wars reviews. Sure, sure, everyone has most likely seen them that actively wants to see them, and in turn already has an opinion on them, but all this site is is my opinion anyways, and sometimes I get it in my head that you guys want to know what I think of a well known movie so you can get a better feel for how accurate my opinions are to yours.
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Long before monsters invaded our world from the deep pacific, back further in our past then found footage of a strange giant creature attacking New York, there was one creature that struck fear into the hearts of man on a gigantic scale: Godzilla. The titled King of Monsters, Godzilla graced the world with the idea of giant monsters, and made such an impact it's even referenced in a song by the Blue Oyster Cult. Godzilla is also probably the single reason why I love the man-in-a-suit monster genre as much as I do. This particular entry, admittedly, is a bit in the "Millennium Branch" of Godzilla, but although the long-running series of movies has an over-arching plot between them, each can be thoroughly enjoyed as a stand alone title.
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I've been a fan of the mech genre for years now - mostly thanks to anime and video games - to the extent that I've actually seen Robot Jox, and I don't want to think of how many Gundam shows, so I at first really didn't want to review this one (I mean, if you are a fan of something it can be pretty hard to distance yourself from it and place a solid level-headed judgement upon it) on the grounds of that and the fact that it still doesn't exist in an own-able form. Literally the only way you could see it is in theaters, until it's run is out, and then you'd have to wait till DVD release day - an unknown time that could be a horrendous drag - but what it comes down to is that I was impressed by the reactions of others who had seen the movie so much that I just couldn't resist.
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"Wolfman has nards!" If you know that line already chances are you, like me, are a fan of this movie. Feeling almost like a spiritual successor to The Goonies , with much higher stakes, it wasn't till many years after it's release that Monster Squad started to get a heavy cult following. I personally was introduced to it via my mother, who had seen it earlier on and liked it enough to pick up a DvD of it when she came across it, and it wasn't much longer till I ended up using that DvD more than she did. That I'm a fan is one thing, but to deliver proper wealth of opinion here I won't simply just gloat over how you should feel like a lesser-person for having not seen it, because that's just my character. Seriously though, you should feel bad for not knowing anyone awesome enough to make you watch this movie.
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I'm not gonna lie to you all and say I know the source material comics of Ghost Rider all that well - yeah, I own one, but its not exactly a starter or anything like that. I have seen the first movie, which like most superhero flicks was an origin take and I thought was relatively decent (if not very goofy). I mean, for a guy that's power literally came from a pact with the devil that causes him to turn into a flaming leather-clad skeleton biker at night in the presence of evil and kill them with their own sins , it seemed maybe a little out of place (all that humor). I tell you what, the Rider at the start of this movie? Holy cow, that escalated quickly!
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Discovers a lush planet? I sure as heck hope you aren't talking about plant life description, because I think you could find more plant life in the middle of a crowded city! Aside from a description that is slightly misleading as to the color palette you will be feasting your eyes upon for the entirety of the movie, this little guy received very little box-office presence, but was it rightfully lost in a crowd of movies or just another casualty of a nit-picky audience that refuses to enjoy something made for entertainment? You may not have some cute space-dog to guide you like the wind, but stay with me and find out.
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