A ghost movie! I don't think I really need to elaborate much beyond that for us to temper our expectations before going into this one. I expect multiple ghosts (given the title), and according to the box blurb a haunted house - not of the carnival variety - and conflicting ghost hunters. I don't recall hearing of it largely, so I'm not expecting blockbuster grade effects or anything of that sort - but then again, I still imagine the little ghosts that could should be able to pull off better than Asylum grade. Grab those vacuum cleaners, it's time to scope out this haunted mansion.
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Enough happy movies for a bit, let's get into something more dark and sinister. That's really what I'd like to say, but it's yet to be seen if Crooked Man here will be as frightening as his Freddy Kreuger posturing implies or more akin to the somewhat disinterested looking faces floating in his body. The easiest way to know for sure is to watch, so spine in check and turn off the lights, it's time to try and get spooked.
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I have a confession to make - this isn't the movie I meant to have for this week. I shouldn't be apologizing, as it's really Netflix DVD fault for labeling this simply as "Lego Batman: The Movie" and making me think I was getting the original Lego Batman movie and actually not. Oh well, a movie is a movie and we got some opinions to get to. I can't tell if this is as good as the first or not, but let's see if it can at least keep the charm of the Lego movies - or perhaps be more akin to stepping on one of the dreaded plastic squares.
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For heaven's sake, this title takes longer to say than it feels like some of the songs in this movie last. Props to them for doing a reboot that doesn't just flat-out steal the name of what it's doing (like Robocop or Ghostbusters), but good jeez man. Beyond my thoughts on what a remake I hadn't ever heard anyone express desire in having, this should be an interesting one to review if for no other reason than having already doing the other one and essentially having the same movie on hand. Surely though, something must have been changed outside the cast right? Maybe updating some songs? Maybe new segments or characters or something? Well, guess we'll just have to jump to the left and hope for the best.
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Been a while since we've dabbled in a martial arts movie hasn't it? Tonight's entry should remedy that pretty well, given the title is Sword Master. You don't get a name like that without being pretty good with a sword - unless I guess everyone else is incapable of so much as holding one and you get it by default. Regardless, the description blurb flat out tells us it's going to be an epic involving not one, but two Hong Kong cinema greats! At this rate, I don't see how it could go wrong - but then again I've thought that of other movies and been beat senseless, so let's see if this can live up to the promise of a sword or drop us a butter knife instead.
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Zombie movies, right? Well, this one has been hyped by some people for some time, and I finally got around to seeing if it was all it was cracked up to be. See, I love it when a person I watch - because I have a decent number of movie reviewers on the old YouTube watch list - tells me a good movie to go check out. It's not always that I disagree with something they say so completely that it's a Paranormal Activity situation. That in mind, even though zombie movies have been feeling a little stale, let's check out this one that's been on the back burner for some time now and see if it packs bite.
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Robots have been a staple of science fiction forever. Good robots, bad robots, weird robots. I feel that, more so than others, the "robot controlled by an AI that wants to kill humans" is probably one of the most ventured ones - and really, why not? We humans are so squishy and destructive and annoying, what robot wouldn't think it great to wipe us out like Skynet, or enslave us for batteries? Today's entry offers more of them evil robots, and it asks us from it's retail box to please find out if Yoshimi will save us. I don't care if you didn't get the reference, we're moving on.
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This isn't my first foray into silver-screen flicks. I mean, I've gone back far enough before to have no dialogue outside of the written frames inserted in. This one does have audio though, so we don't have to buckle into our time machines for such a drastic jaunt. Where this one could be a challenge is in how true it may stay to Shakespeare. I'm not a huge literature buff or anything like that, but I've seen a Shakespeare flick before and not super my thing. Well, get on your grey-scale glasses and let's figure out if this is to be or not.
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I generally stray away from Christmas movies - I'm one of those people who usually get mildly bummed out by the holiday, particularly after being forced to watch A Christmas Story for the eleven bazillionth time as the lazy television stations all show it on repeat. That being said, time flows by and sometimes things change - I still don't want to watch A Christmas Story pretty much ever again in my life, but sometimes it feels like busting one out from the vault isn't such a terrible idea. This is one of those years, and our entry is not only that but a musical - what most of my kind would consider a "double whammy," considering my usual dislike of musicals to boot. You know what though? Maybe a trip to the past is just what everybody needs this season.
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I think this October is going to be something a little... different. I've spent such a long time on a "scary" movie kick that I find myself free of the shackles of searching for something that will chill me to the bone, and as such find myself drawn to a new premise on this month culminating in everyone's favorite excuse to dress up. To start off this more light-hearted, nostalgia filled October, I figured we'd go back - way back - to a little castle in Britain. Rattle your chains and ready your dance number, it's time to see of this ghost will bring us laughs as he drains our color.
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So you fancy yourself a sleuth aye? Got Sherlock level detective skills that would make Batman jealous huh? Such a hardcore private eye that your completely colorblind and only see black and white and shades of grey? Is this movie about you, or are you because this movie? This is another one of those movies that you've either heard of - it's kind of a big deal from what I can tell in the mysterious black and white world - or it's probably much too old for you and you've got no idea what a maltese is, let alone a falcon. Let's find out if you should really remedy that.
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I bet that somewhere out there, at this very moment, there are people who either haven't heard the phrase or don't understand the phrase "Silver Screen." I wouldn't hold it against anyone honestly, media of all kinds is very much one of those things that gets passed down from a generation as preferential recommendations, and not everyone can get over such arbitrary things as a colorized screen or up-to-date effects. For me however, tapping into the "old world" just means access to new (for me) stories from a time when storytelling had very different means. Put on you pinstripes gentlefolk, it's time to delve into a mystery!
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I'm not gonna say know to a martial arts flick. Silly, serious, either one can be rather fun. Heck, even low-quality B-grade martial arts has it's place in the old entertainment shelf. So, whilst looking for another movie to tide over times till the repairs of my own entertainment center happens, we get to jump around a bit and entertain our inner karate-chop wielding selves with Bushido Man. At the very least, that's what we are hoping for!
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I'm not saying I really like "Found Footage" movies. I mean, I feel they have a lot of potential that nobody makes use of, so maybe that's why I keep watching that genre even though for the most part it's usually less-than-stellar results. This time around, it almost circles back to the one that started the craze to most people - that is, we get some witch action. Should we burn it, or did it come out not so hexed?
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Why wouldn't I watch a movie that lays the seeds for me to imagine Under Siege (the train one) combined with werewolves? I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't expect Seagal to pop out and get into any gunfights in a movie that's pitched strictly as horror, but trains seem like a logical enough spot to bolster up the dangers of a werewolf. Heck, there's been other movies that have worked quite well on trains, so I wondered if this one would pull up to the station or I'd find it's caboose lagging behind schedule.
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Originally, I would have loved to put up a review for this in the December slot, but it's unfortunate that it took me four months after that to see it. Still, this is very much a movie that falls into the category of "box art looks awesome, how bad could it be?" as far as initial draws. I mean, look at that box art and tell me this movie doesn't look rad! From the trailer, I walk away with "anthology movie" and "Shatner," and at this point I can't argue that my interest has been peaked - considering I love me some anthology films. A modest run time of an hour and a half even further sealed the deal to get me to watch it, but let's figure out if I think you should watch it.
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Ever get the desire to watch a movie that's supposedly one of the worst movies ever made? No? Well, it can't just be me, so you get to suffer anyways. Now, keeping with the variations this October season, I've moved from undead to bizarre twists of nature, and finally to some aliens. Will it live up to the hype of being so bad to someone whose seen their fair share of Asylum movies? Read on brave viewer, but I don't think that tinfoil hat is necessary.
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The great thing about a service like Netflix (or even the mostly extinct retro rental stores) is that you can see this wide selection of movies on display, and you can come across things you never knew existed. Granted, sometimes this isn't always a good thing, as catchy box art or a tubular name leads you into a dark hole of "what did I just rent and why am I still watching this?" Tonight's flick was discovered in just such a manner - scrolling through box art when BAM! The title catches one's eye. Samurai Fiction. It just conjures memories of black and white swordsman flicks while also sprinkling in a little bit of false over-the-topness, or maybe even something like a certain other movie that ends with fiction in it's title. Either way, these seem like totally enjoyable thoughts, so the only question to unsheathe is whether or not this movie lives up to those images or not.
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So this is a rare situation. Usually, when movies hit theatrical runs, I keep them over into the "Quick Flicks" section of the site, so as to still be able to inform my opinion of the movie to others, but without having to deal with the story part and have to worry about potential spoilers (because I'm a nice guy like that). In the case of Turbo Kid, however, it's a very limited theatrical release - as in a single theater in the entirety of New York is playing it, and it's not near me. Thankfully, they thought ahead and made it available via a few streaming video-on-demand sites that gave me the ability to buy it and in turn show it myself (granted, I may have a projector but it's no movie theater). Still, since it made the weekly showing that means it also gets the weekly review. So then, if you do wish to avoid any potential spoilers, I'll just leave a link right here so you can bail from this to the QF variant for just my general opinion. For others however, let's figure out just how rad this movie is.
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I find myself watching found footage movies as though one of these days the perfect one is going to happen around, and the entire world will realize how awesome they could be if done right. It's theoretically not something that should be that hard to do - and if anything building tension should be easier than through normal means, since it adds to the effect that the viewer is there (theoretically). It never seems to happen though, it always seems to somewhere go so terribly wrong - from either holding onto it's suspense for way too long, or pacing that's so dull you would rather go to sleep. Can this movie dig up some fun, or will it be destined to make your bones ache?
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