Hero and the Terror (1988)
Heroes hit hardest.
- Chuck Norris.
- Accidental Hero cop who ends up transforming into a hero, although to that point rather a believable person (at least by action movie standards).
- Big, menacing Slasher-movie style villain makes for a decent thriller/action cross.
- Cheese.
- Not quite as believable as Die Hard levels of "real cop."
- Cheese (some people don't like it. No idea why).
- Relatively toned-down and small scale action.
I like Norris movies, so I enjoyed it. That being said, it certainly felt like a change of pace from the other Norris flicks, much more like an attempt into Slasher-type cop dramas than the generic super-hero levels of action stars most would be familiar with. Has a few moments of humor, has a few relatively stale deliveries or just weird lines, but overall I found it quite enjoyable.