Event Horizon (1997)
A haunted ship. A missing crew. An infinite evil.
It’s week six hundred and sixty six. I tried to find the most suitable movie for the occasion, but the pickings weren’t the strongest since the default logical things - like The Exorcist - have already been viewed and logged long ago. Of course, some might be slightly confused by the proclamation that this is the number it is, considering this is really only movie 513 - a far throw from what I’m claiming as far as the week number. The reason for this discrepancy stems from the fact that I started the weekly movie night long before I did logging these reviews to make me feel more productive having a weekly movie night. Really, this means I could technically give two moments of evil-themed events, but I tend to work off the week number as that’s when it all started (if I’m being nostalgic). Speaking of nostalgic, tonight’s movie is from the tail end of the 90’s from the guy that brought you the original Mortal Kombat movie and that Resident Evil movie franchise that kept getting worse as it went. Strap in for a trip to space-hell, it’s time to look for Event Horizon.
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