Tag (2015)
All high school girls out there: You are a little too obnoxious so we decided to reduce your numbers.
So I’m out of town the day of this getting posted - going up north(er) for a convention, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to hold to my one movie a week minimum schedule that I’ve upheld for over 14 years now. I know not everyone gets why I’d go through the extra effort - I mean, I don’t really earn anything out of it - but at the same time, that just makes it more fitting for this weeks chosen movie. See, I saw this thing a long time ago, and it holds the title of being the only movie that took me longer to explain what happened in the first ten minutes of the movie than it would if you just watched it - and both methods would probably just leave you totally confused. Ha, yeah, a this should be a interesting one - a little something special to make up for the pre-written report yeah? Don’t get it confused by that more modern movie about he popular kids game or you are in for a real shocking time, tonight we watch Tag.
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