Remember that silent guy named Bob? If you do, then you probably already know all about him making movies and being in shows and the likes. This weird little tale comes straight from him - and if you follow his podcast you will most likely get more out of this than those who blindly waddle their way into it, but that's not to say that it's necessarily bad right? Inside jokes are all over movies these days (I'm looking at you, comic movies), so that shouldn't hold anyone back. Will this walrus of a tale get you hooked, or will it be more of a sinker?
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Wold War 2: a very bummer of an event, but great fodder for the entertainment industry. Granted, the last time I saw Brad Pitt in a WW2 movie he was scalping Nazis with the "Bear Jew" - so I expected this one to be a bit more "true" feeling. Most flicks about the 'great war' are at least half-way decent as far as quality, so lets see how one focusing on a tank crew can do. Will it tank our interest?
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I read somewhere this was an interesting movie, what I hadn't read was that it was actually a foreign film. Got nothing against foreign films personally, so that wasn't going to deter me, but before I even started the movie I already expect some people are going to tune this one out - why? Because you either don't understand German, or English dubbing that doesn't always sync with the mouth movements of German words is gonna bug someone. That aside, you can tell by the title along that this movie is going to contain at least double the running of something like Running Man, but the question remains: will your soles burn from the speed, or will the plot leave your mind racing crazy?
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I remember seeing a trailer for Lucy and going "Hm, that could be fun." I didn't get around to it in theaters though, and the general reception of it that I did hear about was generally negative - complaints about not being hard-fact and a 'hard to follow plot riddled with holes' - which of course only fueled my desire to see it more. I've never been one to much care about the "mass opinion" on things, as it's truthfully hard to find people who can enjoy as broad a range of quality as me sometimes (although, somewhere out there somebody likes Uwe Boll movies, so they certainly beat me). Let's find out what my particular set of synapses firing can make of this movie - whether it's a new horizon or a fatal error in processing.
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Why do I keep watching found footage movies? I can only imagine that somewhere inside me I still believe that their is this completely untapped potential that each movie of the type I watch might be the one to be the Highlander or one ring to rule them all. Well, I can't say it's particularly a great hope to hold onto, but As Above walks calmly into the circle and throws off it's gloves to try and impress. Can this foray into the french underground prove to come out on top, or way below any expectations?
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There are tons of weird movies out there. Some of those weird movies are only weird due to a cultural disconnect, some due to how they incorporate different genres into them. Sometimes you hit one of those weird movies and it carries with is such a weirdness that you end up spreading it amongst your friends, as though it was some contextual contagion spread through word of mouth in order to survive like you just watched the tape from The Ring. This movie is one of those movies - it's out there, quite possibly the most nonsensical film I have ever watched. Will it be a flick that you pass on for no reason, or will you find yourself tired of it?
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I'm gonna be honest here - I don't generally watch this kind of movie, because it's normally not my cup of humor. That being said, this one looked like it would make fun of all the right stuff, so it had to at least merit a few chuckles right? The thing I didn't take into account is that a movie such as this might not have a huge heavy duty plot line, meaning I may not be able to milk three paragraphs out of it - so it probably would have been a safer bet to do a Quick Flick on it instead - but alas, it is in fact the weekly movie, and you are probably wishing this preamble would come to an end. Does the movie end my worries, or does it end the patience of the movie watcher instead?
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Well, the name is kind of a spoiler in it's own right, but it's been a while since a military style flick has shown up in my queue of viewing. Considering it's 'based on a true story' tag, what's going to happen here is a good deal of authenticity with some bad events over in the heated world of Taliban-filled territory. It's certainly a familiar war story to those who like the genre, but it never claims to be anything more than what it is. Will this band of brothers be cause to add to the collection, or would you rather leave the rifle on the shelf?
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If you happen to be like me, you've probably heard of The Exorcist for years as it's landed on top 10 lists and genre-definer lists and the likes. Well, if you are also like me, you won't ever get around seeing it until 20 some-odd years after you start hearing about it - but never mind that, it's here now and it was watched. Not just any version though, we went nuts with the Extended Directors cut version, clocking in at roughly two hours. Seems short by today's standards, but let's get into seeing if this movie could live up to the enormous amount of hype built up by the years of time taken to watch it. Will we exercise by running in fear, or will we instead try to banish the ghost of the film from our mind?
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Stephen King, the literary master of horror. Although I have been told that King's books are quite the reads, I've never really been big into the horror-book scene (which could be strange considering my penchant for VHD and Predator novels) and to this day have never actually gotten around to reading any - I've been more than content with the film adaptations. I say adaptations lightly, because I know there's those hardcore reader fans who would tell me that these things are barely half-hearted attempts at creating something that was amazing on page - which I do suppose must be true to some extent, as the track record of "Stephen King" movies (most of which he isn't really associated with, outside of Maximum Overdrive, as far as I can tell) isn't exactly spurring one to believe he's any more a master of the dark ends of human psychology than a saturday morning cartoon. Well, let's put a literary twist on cemetery and see if this flick can be brought back from the grave, or if it should have just been left there.
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Some folks just don't got time to bleed. Some creatures couldn't win a beauty contest if all the competition dropped out. Every now and then you run into a movie that sparks something in you that can cause a lifetime of wonder and interest. Predator may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for me it was one such movie - this little alien on a safari movie has drawn me into countless books, comics, movies, and games for years to come. You could say I'm a bit of a fan - but that won't get in the way much for the movie review itself. Can one liners flex their bulging biceps, or is this trophy nothing but a fake coat of gold?
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The title scroll did more for my interesting in this movie than most title scrolls can claim to try and do. Sam Neill from Jurassic Park (and numerous other things), combined with one of my usually-enjoyed directors John Carpenter, all wrapped in a rolling rock song? Call my interest spiked, right? That being said, I hear before hand that this is one of the best Lovecraftian movies around, and although I'm not a huge Lovecraft fan myself, I know enough about it (him) from hearsay to figure it could make for a great movie if it comes off well done. So then, let's find out if it's gonna make you lose your mind or mouth your distaste.
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Immerse yourself in the depths of VR! No, that's the wrong Oculus. Check out this eyeball shaped opening! Nope, still the wrong Oculus. Check out this spooky haunted item movie with shiny eyed ghosts who can make you see things! Yeah, now thats the Oculus! Will you come out of this one not believing your eyes, or wishing that you saw something else?
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People tell me that Megan Fox is a bad actress, that she's nothing but a pretty face. I honestly don't think she's that bad - I mean, surely no Kurt Russel, but leagues better than Kristen Stewart for sure - but the real test of how good an actor is would be in the breadth of roles they can play. That being said, I've been on a horror movie kick again recently, so tie in seeing how well she can do as a bad guy and the fact that (from the trailers) it's a sex-based monster while not actually having a lot of nude shots and you can color me interested. Granted, the questions always remains as to if the movie's goodness will be all my imagination, or if it's for a good time we should call.
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I saw the first Raid a couple years back - and it was enjoyable. Pretty good action, enough of a plot to hold it together, subtitles - it was a rousing good time, as though someone combined SWAT with the newer Judge Dredd. Having seen some hype going around for a second Raid, I figured it would be in my best interest to check it out. Can this sequel live up to the hype, or did it just pull a Leroy Jenkins?
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I once bought a sword off of someone I worked with because I recognized it as the FAKK sword. One might then find it odd that the first time I have seen the movie from which it comes was just now. Granted, I had watched the original Heavy Metal long before this, and find went in wondering if it would be more of the same thing, better or worse than what I knew already. Throw on your spikes and lace up your boots, it's time to find out if you'll be banging your head while throwing the horns or just banging it against a wall.
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I've been a fan of knights, swords and steel, armor and wizards since I was a young kid and have just never grown out of it. A coworker I had at one of my past jobs actually recommended this movie to me (unsurprisingly, I find out about many movies from before I was born in this manner), being a man of similar interests (I bought a physical Excalibur off of him to give it a good home), and so I took it upon myself to get it. I've always felt it was a rather long movie (a tad over 2 hours) and in turn it's taken me a long time to get through all of it, but I figured with the Battle of the Nations starting up today, what better time to watch something associated with armor and Arthurian legend? Can this rendition of a well known tale be named king, or is it just a sword stuck in a stone?
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The Thing, again! Surprisingly, although you would assume it from the name being the same as Carpenter's earlier version, this one is actually a prequel instead of a remake! Now we get to experience what happened to all those Norwegians at the hand of our creepy extraterrestrial friend. Granted, I'm gonna spin this a bit - we are gonna start this thing off with an approach where it's all it's own movie (as though you haven't seen the other Thing), and then get into how it ties into it afterwards. So what'll it be? The perfect copy, or just a cheap imitation.
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I'm a fan of Kurt Russell movies, and I'm relatively sure that part of the reason is because I enjoy him as an actor. Bigger then that, I believe a lot of the movies he's in are just highly entertaining in some way or another for me more so than just him being in it. The Thing is one of those films that's in my general go-to films for when I'm bored and inevitably comes up at least once a year. Obviously, I like it - but will it click for you? Will it have you looking at the people around you in a new light, or will it be a gooey dead mess?
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Goodness, it took me long enough to get to this one didn't it? You see, the biggest issue is I wanted to take the time to re-read the book, as there are some pretty substantial differences between it and this movie - but of course I'll get to that later. For now, the world's most beautiful part-man returns with another job to kill another vampire. This time, things aren't quite as they may seem, and D isn't the only hunter on the case! Can this addition to the video collection bring it's fangs to bear, or is it just a stake to the heart?
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