Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
One will fall.
Looks great
Enjoyed the soundtrack.
Plenty of monsters to gawk at despite the title name dropping only two.
Human-side works in a bunch of comedy.
Monkey power.
The fights - none of that pull-away crap this time, no sir!
No giant Kong spiders.
Day fights. Night fights. Water Fights. Ground fights. Oh my.
Bits feel like a theme park ride.
.Something about the big G feels like he moves too fast.
At least one set of the human stories is kind of irrelevant to the actual events happening and only really fills in motives.
Worst human-side story of the three movie set.
I swear Godzilla got smaller somehow.
Not all monster designs are my favorite.
Characters, what even are characters?
Look, let’s just cut the chase and get right to it - if you liked the last one you’ll love this one. Is there parts that don’t make a ton of sense yes, but the big old monster v monster battles are great, and the entire thing (especially the Kong arc) has plenty of lovely sights to see and monsters to smash. There’s things I don’t like because they don’t feel like the fit with what came before - like the moments when Godzilla moves quite fast - but at the same time it feels a little like a throwback to people in suits, so I don’t know how much I don’t like them on anything but a consistency level. I liked it, and I’ve managed to watch it twice so far (first because I wanted to watch it, second to see it on a bigger screen - my projector) and chances are I’ll end up watching it again with a group of friends before the sub runs out and I loose access until it hits own-able status.